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We’re often asked about what we believe and what does all this mean? Here we attempt to answer some of those questions.


Siren Covenant Church is part of the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC). We are also part of the ECC’s Northwest regional conference. Siren Covenant Church is one of over 700 local Covenant churches spread throughout the U.S and Canada.


The Evangelical Covenant Church has its roots in historical Christianity as it emerged in the Protestant Reformation, in the biblical instruction of the Lutheran State Church of Sweden, and in the great spiritual awakenings of the nineteenth century. These three influences have in large measure shaped its development and are to be borne in mind in seeking to understand its distinctive spirit.

The Covenant Church adheres to the affirmation of the Protestant Reformation regarding the Holy Scriptures, the Old and the New Testament, as the Word of God and the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine, and conduct. It has traditionally valued the historic confessions of the Christian church, particularly the Apostles’ Creed, while at the same time it has emphasized the sovereignty of the Word over creedal interpretations. It has especially cherished the pietistic restatement of the doctrine of justification by faith as basic to the dual task of evangelism and Christian nurture, the New Testament emphasis upon personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, the reality of a fellowship of believers which recognizes but transcends theological differences, and the belief in baptism and the Lord’s Supper as divinely ordained sacraments of the church. While the denomination has traditionally practiced the baptism of infants, in conformity with its principle of freedom it has also recognized the practice of believer baptism. The principle of personal freedom, so highly esteemed by the Covenant, is to be distinguished from the individualism that disregards the centrality of the Word of God and the mutual responsibilities and disciplines of the spiritual community.


In a nutshell, Siren Covenant Church adhears to the five core affirmations of the ECC. They are as follows:

The centrality of the Scriptures – the Old and New Testaments are the authoritative Word of God and the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine, and conduct.

The necessity of new birth in Jesus Christ – for entrance into God’s kingdom, and the importance of continuing growth in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ for sound spiritual health.

The Church as a fellowship of believers – characterized by mutual participation in and sharing of the new life in Christ.

The ministry of the Holy Spirit – who with the Father, and the Son calls the Church into being, empowers its witness, guides its mission, and supplies the gifts needed by the Church and its members to exalt Christ.

The reality of freedom in Christ – who delivers us from the power of sin and moves us by his grace into a whole new experience of obedience and life. This freedom creates an ecclesiastical climate which allows for differences of opinion in matters of interpretation, doctrine, and practice within the context of biblical guidelines and historical Christianity. A catch phrase within the Covenant is, “where is it written?”

  • Evangelical, but not exclusive
  • Biblical, but not doctrinaire
  • Traditional, but not rigid
  • Congregational, but not independent


The answer to the second part of this question is an emphatic “NO!”

The unique character of the Covenant is expressed in the design of the Covenant logo–people united in Christ, people serving people in God’s name, and people bringing people to Christ. The basis of the design is symbolic of four people facing north, south, east, and west. Note that each one’s arms are outstretched, indicating the church’s outreach in mission and service to the world. The four are part of the whole, yet their hands do not touch, symbolizing their unity in the freedom and evangelical warmth that characterizes the Covenant. The geometric arrangement of the four figures results in a crosslike pattern, representative of the center of our faith. The center circle symbolizes the unity and the bond of fellowship which we call “the Covenant.”

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