What We Believe
For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?
We covenant to cultivate a community of worship committed to prayer, preaching and the study of the Word of God, the celebration of the sacraments, and fellowship across gender, race, age, culture, and class. In so doing, we covenant to equip loving, giving, growing Christians to reach out with the good news of Jesus Christ – evangelizing the lost, ministering to those in need and seeking justice for the oppressed.
Are You Ready?
Living Right!
You're Chosen
Things Need to Change
A Reason To Rejoice
Change the way we look
How Do You See Things?
The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving
We've Lost Our Fear!
Are You Comfortable?
Do We Need Protection?
The Cost of Forgiveness
Incentive For Faith
Due to a power outage there will not be a upload this week. See you next week!
What Is Faith?
Have Faith
You've Been Gifted
What Makes Us Different?
There is Power in the Blood
How Things Look
A Solid Promise
Someone Better Is Coming
There Is A Solution!
On Our Behalf
You've Been Promised
What Causes You Unrest?
Pay Attention!
Message of Hope
His Identity
Our Ministries
Trail Life USA
Siren Covenant Church is excited to announce the formation of a Trail Life USA Troop as part of our ministries to the surrounding communities. Sponsored by our Men’s Ministry, Troop WI-7686 was officially chartered by…
Children’s Ministry
Children are precious to us at Siren Covenant Church. Our Children’s Ministry program is designed to teach children that they are valued and loved by our God! We welcome volunteers! We ask that our volunteers…
Youth Ministry
We want our children to be raised in families that foster biblical teachings and authentic friendships.
Men’s Ministry
Men’s discipline causes a better atmosphere in their families, where they can become better husbands and fathers and discipline others as an example.